Monday, September 6, 2010


When your heart is sad and lonely
and your friends seem far away
Turn to Him Who is all holy
and He'll drive your cares away

When a dear one seems to fail you
When your friendship true you along
Confide in Him Who is all true
and He'll right your every wrong

Jesus' heart is your true refuge
To Him you can always flee
Even when your hopes are sinking
He'll then a True Friend be

He'll soothe your lonely spirit
He'll love and bless, and say:
"Come to Me and I will comfort you
today and everyday ... "

Source: diary (2010)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kata-katanya pernah aku dengar dalam bentuk syair lagu, ketika homili misa 7 nov yl.
begitu menyentuh hati saat itu....